Chord structure: what are chords made of, and why are they so called?

So, the structure of chords is a topic that we will develop today. And, first of all, let's turn to the definition of a chord, clarify what it represents. Accord is a consonance, a sound complex. In a chord, at the same time or one after the other, at least three sounds should be performed in turn, because the harmonies in which only two sounds are called differently are intervals.

What are the chords

So, in the center of our attention - musical chords. What are the chords? What are the main types of chords? These and other issues we have to discuss today. Accord is a harmonious consonance in the simultaneity of three or four or more sounds. I hope you get the point - there should be at least three sounds in a chord, because if, for example, two, then this is not a chord, but an interval.

Jason Derulo: biography, best songs, interesting facts

Jason Derulo (Jason Derulo) He had done so much by his thirty years that it seems incredible. Winner of prestigious awards, dancer, singer, author of super-popular songs, judge of prestigious television shows - today Jason occupies a worthy place on the musical Olympus, is among the ten most famous performers of pop hip-hop music.

Bebe Rexha: biography, best songs, interesting facts

Bebe Rexha (Bibi Rex) Owner of enchanting vocal, spectacular appearance and immense musical talent - this is not a complete list of what can be described by the young singer Bebe Rexha. Despite her young age, the girl managed to earn more popularity, to perform with a large number of world celebrities, and even become a co-author of many hits.

Concert programs of the ensemble "Semper-musica"

Concert programs: "In the name of Clara" R. Schumann - Quartet op.47 Es-dur for piano, violin, viola and cello I. Brahms - Quartet No. 1 g-moll op.25 for piano, violin, viola and cello The program is composed from the works of composers - romantics. This genre is easy for anyone to listen to, regardless of age, musical tastes and degree of preparedness.

La Campanella. Performances

Kings and beggars Songs and dances of kings and beggars performed by the ensemble of ancient music "La Campanella" The music, as in a mirror, reflects the life and work of famous rulers - Thibault Champagne, Henry VIII, Anna of Brittany and Prince of Orange, Karl XII of Sweden, Louis XIV - and their simple contemporaries.

Study in music school

Why not to miss the opportunity to study at a music school? Probably, each of us has acquaintances who once went to a music school and, for various reasons, dropped out of classes, without completing the course. Many of them sometimes express regrets about this: some musical skills in an unexpected way might be useful at work, someone looks at this as a missed opportunity for creative self-realization (although in fact you can start playing music and achieve success at any age) , well, all that sort of thing.

Troparion and Kondak of the Nativity of Christ - notes of everyday chants

The troparion and kontakion of the Nativity of Christ are church chants, which are often heard for the services in the churches during the whole Christmas celebrations. I prepared the notes of these Christmas carols in their everyday version - they can be downloaded from the links that will be given below. Troparians and kondaks are small hymns-hymns in which the meaning of the feast is revealed or the remembered saint is glorified.